A Procedure for Calculating the Potential Savings in Lighting Energy from the Use of Skylights |
Jul 01, 1977 |
Joseph B. Murdoch |
Some Prospects for Simulating Human Behavior in High-Rise Building Fires: A Pilot Demonstration |
Jan 01, 1976 |
Fred I. Stahl (The City University of New York) |
The Hidden Structure of Children's Play in an Urban Environment |
Jan 01, 1976 |
Stephen Grabow, PhD (University of Kansas), Neil J. Salkind, PhD (University of Kansas) |
Workshop 12: Building Systems |
Jan 01, 1973 |
Gunter Schmitz (State University of New York at Buffalo) |
An Integrated Methodology for Office Building Elevator Design |
Jan 01, 1973 |
Margaret A. Frederking (Carnegie Mellon University), Alton J. Penz (Carnegie Mellon University) |
Integrated Environmental Design of Buildings |
Jan 01, 1972 |
P.E. O'Sullivan (University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology) |
A Normalization Procedure in Building Methodology |
Jan 01, 1972 |
Nestor Distefano (Uinversity of California at Berkeley), Dennis Nagy (University of Stuttgart, Germany) |
Developments in Scientific Application of Photogrammetry to Study of Architecture and Building Science |
Jan 01, 1972 |
Perry E. Borchers (Ohio State University) |
The Role of Research in the Development of Performance Standards |
Jan 01, 1972 |
Thorbjoern Mann (University of California, Berkeley), Richard Bender (University of California, Berkeley) |
Development and Implementation of an Environmental Evaluation and Redesign Process for a High School Science Department |
Jan 01, 1972 |
Joshua A. Burns |
An Information System for Component Building |
Jan 01, 1970 |
Theodore H. Myer (Bolt, Beranek & Newman Inc.) |