Workshop 12: Building Systems

Jan 01, 1973

This workshop attempts to explore the potentials and limitations of building systems. Building systems offer a historic chance for a retarded industry, if they are used as part of systemic approaches. The multiple elements in the general process of building delivery are interlinked and behave as a complex system, affected by outside independent variables. Building systems as technical solutions have to be integrated into the structure of this system. Combined with managerial skills of systems building and backed by user needs analyses they can become effective tools in providing built environments responsive to social needs - offering initial flexibility and built-in adaptability for future functional changes. To prepare the introduction and growth of building systems on an industrial scale in a competitive economy, several critical areas need attention: comprehensive and reliable data bases, interdisciplinary cooperation, future oriented research, incentives to accelerate innovation processes, market research and development, public information, and education.

Gunter Schmitz (State University of New York at Buffalo)
EDRA4/1973 Proceedings
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Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA)

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