Enclosure systems refer to the "skin" of the building and may include roof, walls, and ground protection from air and water penetration.
Title | Date | Author |
Simulation of Complex Glazing Products; from Optical Data Measurements to Model Based Predictive Controls | Apr 02, 2012 | Christian Koehler (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
Evaluation of the Thermal Performance of Innovative Pre-Fabricated Wall Systems through Field Testing | Apr 02, 2012 | Hua Ge (Ryerson University), Fitssum Tariku (British Columbia Institute of Technology) |
Quality Control of Air Barriers During Construction | Apr 02, 2012 | Brandon S. Buchberg (Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.), Jason S. Der Ananian (Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.) |
The Emerging Role of Electronically Tintable Glass for Energy Codes and Standards | Apr 02, 2012 | Brandon TInianov, PhD |
Towards Airtightness – The Contractor’s Role in Designing and Constructing the Air Barrier System | Apr 02, 2012 | Michael P. Steffen, AIA (Walsh Construction Co.) |
A Case Study for Waterproofing Below-Grade Walls Shored with Continuous Soil Mix Technology Using Bentonite Waterproofing System | Apr 02, 2012 | Rodney Lock (Morrison Hershfield Corp.), Stephane Hoffman (Morrison Hershfield Corp.), Amanda Prot (Morrison Hershfield Corp.) |
A Methodology for Developing Sustainable, High Performance Building Envelopes | Apr 02, 2012 | Grahame Maisey, PE (Building Services Consultants) |
High Performance Curtain Wall Using Vacuum Insulated Panel (VIP) Spandrels | Apr 02, 2012 | Lawrence D. Carbary (Dow Corning Corporation), Andrew Dunlap, AIA (SmithGroup), Thomas F. O’Connor, FAIA (SmithGroup) |
Prototyping a Self-Ventilating Building Skin with Smart Thermobimetals | Dec 01, 2011 | Doris Kim Sung (University of Southern California) |
Blast Safety of the Building Envelope | Oct 19, 2011 | Eve HInman, Hinman Consulting Engineers |
BIM and the Building Envelope | Oct 01, 2010 | Will Ikerd, PE, CWI, LEED AP, Raymond L. Goodson Jr. Inc. |
More Sustainable Masonry Façades: Preheating Ventilation Air Using a Dynamic Buffer Zone (DBZ) | Apr 29, 2010 | R.C. Richman (ryerson University), C. Cyanfrone (Morrison Hershfield Corp.), K.D. Pressnail (University of Toronto) |
A New Paradigm for the Design of Sustainable Buildings | Apr 12, 2010 | Warren Knowles, P.Eng, Brian Hubbs, P.Eng, Paul Kernan, MAIBC, Graham Finch, MASc |
Proposed Building Envelope Criteria for ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90-1-2010 | Apr 12, 2010 | John F. Hogan, AIA, PE (Seattle Department of Planning and Development) |
Eliminating the Potential for Air and Moisture Infiltration at the Window-Wall Interface | Apr 12, 2010 | Peter Poirier (Tremco Inc.), Brian Stroik (Oscar Boldt Construction) |
Optimization of Net Zero Energy Houses | Apr 12, 2010 | Gary Proskiw, P. Eng (Proskiw Engineering Ltd.), Anil Parekh, P. Eng |
A Method to Detect and Locate Roof Leaks Using Conductive Tapes | Apr 12, 2010 | David Vokey, P. Eng. (Detec Systems LLC) |
Building Envelope Failure Case Studies in High-Rise Construction | Apr 12, 2010 | Pierre-Michel Busque, P.Eng |
Electronically Tintable Glass: The Future of High Performance Facades is Here | Apr 12, 2010 | Helen Sanders, PhD (Sage Electrochromics Inc.), Lou Podbelski, AIA )Sage Electrochromics Inc.) |
Energy Consumption in Mid and High Rise Residential Buildings in British Columbia | Apr 12, 2010 | Graham Finch, MASc (RDH Building Engineering Ltd.), Eric Burnett, PhD (RDH Building Engineering Ltd.), Warren Knowles, P.Eng (RDH Building Engineering Ltd.) |
Development and Benchmarking of a New Whole Building Hygrothermal Model | Apr 12, 2010 | Fitsum Tariku (Institute for Research in Construction), Kumar Kumaran (Institute for Research in Construction), Paul Fazio (Concordia University) |
Selecting the Ideal Windows for a High Performance Home in a Cold Climate | Apr 12, 2010 | Ari S. Rapport (IBACOS) |
Vacuum Insulation Panels in Wood Frame Wall Constructions | Apr 12, 2010 | Thomas Haavi, Bjørn Petter Jelle, Arild Gustavsen, Steinar Grynning, Sivert Uvsløkk, Ruben Baetens, Roland Caps |
Improving Building Enclosures Thermal Efficiency as a Goal of Energy Efficiency | Apr 12, 2010 | Paul E. Totten, PE (Simpson Gumpertz Heger Inc.), Marcin Pazera, PhD (Simpson Gumpertz Heger Inc.) |
Developing the Next Three Generations of Zero-Energy Windows | Apr 12, 2010 | Brandon Tinianov, PhD, PE (Serious Materials) |