Mapping the Built Environment Process (BEP) Ecosystem via a Data to Knowledge Framework
Transitioning to a future of low-carbon built environments requires the design of multi-beneficial design strategies that take a whole building life cycle and systems-thinking approach. Such an approach has the potential to enable multi-stakeholder engagement and cross-industry collaboration which are current siloed in the Built Environment Process (BEP). The BEP involves energy, material and information flows at each of its phases from the initial extraction of raw materials to the final deconstruction of a building. Technology and big data have a role to play in establishing collaborative networks with efficient construction practices which track material, energy and information flows across the building life cycle. This paper attempts to map the BEP through a new data to knowledge framework named SEVA (Socio-Ecological Visual Analytics), which has been designed to link heterogeneous data. It describes the methodology used to map the BEP in SEVA. This involves the deployment of semantic web ontologies to generate a knowledge graph of the BEP; virtually connecting each phase and its associated stakeholders, thereby, conceivably acting as an overview tool for the BEP.
Keywords: Built Environment Process, Visual Analytics, Big Data, Data Visualization, Knowledge Frameworks, Socio-Ecological Design
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