The Financial Case for High-Performance Buildings

Oct 31, 2018

• Report that compiles reports and academic research on connection between built environment and human performance, satisfaction, and wellness
• Analyzes effect of high performance design elements such as indoor air quality, thermal comfort, biophilia/views on an business's expenses.
• Finds that high performance design elements increase business value by $23,584 per employee through enhanced employee productivity, increased employee retention, improved employee health and wellness, utility savings, and maintenance savings.

Compiling and analyzing the growing body of evidence connecting the built environment to human performance, satisfaction, and wellness, this report outlines the financial benefits to owner-occupants and tenants that invest in High-Performance Buildings.

Attema, J.E., Fowell, S.J., Macko, M.J., & Neilson, W.C. (2018). The Financial Case For High-Performance Buildings. San Francisco: Stok, LLC

Jeremy Attema
Simon Fowell
Matt Macko
Warren Neilson
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