Observation of Care Units: An Essential of Emergency Departments

Oct 01, 1998

Contemporary observation care units / rapid treatment centers (OCUs/RTCs), either contained within the emergency department or closely associated with emergency/acute care in a given system, have evolved in an effort to optimize the quality and efficiency of health care delivery. This study was initiated to develop a data base on current attitudes about OCUs/RTCs in the health care industry. The subsequent interpretation and analysis of these data provided insight into the development of recommendations to guide a health care institution in considering the planning of an OCU/RTC. The goal of the study was to develop a planning model that may be used by emergency department directors, administrators, facility planners, and architects.

Helen C. D'Souza, MHA, ACHE, MGMA
Daneil J. Miesle, MHA, CHE, ACHE, AHA
The Academy Journal of the Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH)
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
The American Institute of Architects

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