Urban Transects

Jun 23, 2010

Developed within the framework of a French interdisciplinary research program and a design studio Master’s program of the Grenoble School of Architecture entitled Architecture, Cultures of the Senses and the Environment, the researchers have explored the notion of the “Urban Section” as a meeting-point between global environmental issues and situated, atmospheric qualities of space, as experienced through spatial practices. It was developed in the form of an exploratory, applied approach concerning specific environmental preoccupations: rising summer temperatures in the city of Grenoble (2007- 2010) and the handling of solid waste in the city of Sao Paolo (2009-2010).

Steven Melemis (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble)
Nicolas Tixier (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble)
Presented at: 
ARCC/EAAE 2010 International Conference on Architectural Research
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC)

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