National Institute of Building Sciences

The National Institute of Building Sciences is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that successfully brings together representatives of government, the professions, industry, labor and consumer interests, and regulatory agencies to focus on the identification and resolution of problems and potential problems that hamper the construction of safe, affordable structures for housing, commerce and industry throughout the United States. Authorized by the U.S. Congress, the Institute provides an authoritative source and a unique opportunity for free and candid discussion among private and public sectors within the built environment. The Institute's mission to serve the public interest is accomplished by supporting advances in building sciences and technologies for the purpose of improving the performance of our nation's buildings while reducing waste and conserving energy and resources. For more information visit

Research Submitted

Title Author Datesort ascending
BIM Return on Investment: A Case Study Brittany Giel, PhD candidate, The University of Florida, Raja R.A. Issa, Ph.D., J.D., P.E., Professor, The University of Florida Apr 01, 2011
A Report from the 7th AIA TAP Building Connections Kristine Fallon, FAIA, et al Apr 01, 2011
Green Building Practices for Residential Construction and Natural Hazard Resistance: How Are They Linked? Philip Line, PE (American Wood Council), Omur Kapur, EIT (URS Corporation), Samantha Passman, EIT, (URS Corporation) Apr 01, 2011
Unlocking Value from the National BIM Standard™ E. William East, PE, PhD, Engineering Research and Development Center, Danielle R. Love, Engineering Research and Development Center Apr 01, 2011
FEMA Updates: Safe Room Publications Apr 01, 2011
The Wave of the Future: AEC gTLD David E. Ways, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP , DotBim LLP Apr 01, 2011
Motivating Public Mitigation and Preparedness for Earthquakes and Other Hazards Dr. Dennis S. Mileti (Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado), Dr. Linda Bourque (UCLA School Of Public Health), Magumi Kano, PhD (UCLA School Of Public Health) Apr 01, 2011
Buildings, Tunnels and Mass Transit Systems: DHS Releases Integrated Rapid Visual Screening Tools in 2011 Michael Chipley (PMC Group, LLC), Mohammed Ettourney (Weidlinger Associates Inc.), Milagros Kennett (US Department of Homeland Security), Terry Ryan (Raytheon UTD), Philip Schneider (National Institute of Building Sciences) Apr 01, 2011
Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Hospice: The National Home and Hospice Care Survey: United States, 2007 Anita Bercovitz, PhD, Division of Health Care Statistics, Manisha Sengupta, PhD, Division of Health Care Statistics, Adrienne Jones, BS, Division of Health Care Statistics, Lauren D. Harris-Kojetin, PhD, Division of Health Care Statistics Jan 19, 2011
Flooding and Schools National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities Jan 01, 2011
