Smart Cities: Population Health and the Evolution of Housing

Nov 30, 2018

This paper will present research being conducted to develop housing models that leverage data collection for use in Population Health strategies. We are currently developing a multifamily prototype unit that demonstrates best practices in creating livable communities within Smart Cities. We are also investigating prefabricated construction methodologies that will be utilized to bring these models to scale. Gigabit networks allow Smart Cites to collect and analyze vast amounts of data. This data is like a new kind of natural resource. Sensors embedded in the built environment are able to collect such environmental health information as Human Vital Signs, Physical Activity, Environmental Conditions, Pharmaceutical Regiments. Population Health strategies utilize the collection and analysis of such data to deliver health care more affordably, effectively, and sometimes before we know we need it. This is the allows Smart Cities to evolve into Responsive Cities. Some of the more advanced technologies we are investigating include: Motion Sensors/Fall Detection, Gait-Analysis, Automated LED Smart-Spectrum Lighting, Smart Mirrors, Smart Toilets, Sleep Sensors, and Automated Medicine Dispensers.

Keywords: Smart Cities, housing, prefabrication, biometric data

Joe Colistra, AIA (University of Kansas)
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
The American Institute of Architects (AIA)

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