Research summary: A Longitudinal Study of Prisoners on Remand

Dec 31, 2012

Research summary: A Longitudinal Study of Prisoners on Remand: Psychiatric Prevalence, Incidence and Psychopathology in Solitary vs. Non-Solitary Confinement
The authors of this study aim to examine the mental health implications of the practice. Specifically, this research studied prisoners in custody in Danish prisons. Its objectives were to:
1) Compare occurrences of psychiatric ill-health among groups of prisoners in solitary confinement (SC) and groups who were not (non-SC).
2) Relate pre-existing psychological disorders to occurrences after imprisonment.
3) Relate pre-existing and present occurrence of psychological disorders to quantitative measures of psychopathology.

This research summary, prepared by the AIA Academy of Architecture for Justice (AAJ) in 2012, includes implications for design practice and is adapted from:
Authors: Andersen, H.S., Clinic of Forensic Psychiatry, Ministry of Justice, Copenhagen, Psychiatric Department, Bispebjerg University Hospital, and Centre for Crisis and Disaster Psychiatry, Psychiatric Department, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen; Sestoft, D., Clinic of Forensic Psychiatry, Ministry of Justice, Copenhagen; Lillebñk, T., Clinic of Forensic Psychiatry, Ministry of Justice, Copenhagen; Gabrielsen, G., Institute of Theoretical Statistics, Copenhagen, Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark; Hemmingsen, R., Psychiatric Department, Bispebjerg University Hospital; Kramp, P., Clinic of Forensic Psychiatry, Ministry of Justice, Copenhagen
Article Title: A Longitudinal Study of Prisoners on Remand: Psychiatric Prevalence, Incidence and Psychopathology in Solitary Vs. Non-Solitary Confinement
Publisher: Munksgaard
Publication: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
Publication Type: Peer-reviewed
Date of Publication: 2000
Volume: 102
Pages: 19-25
Country of Study: Denmark
Search Related Keywords: Correctional Facility Design; Solitary Confinement; Stress; Psychiatric Disorder

Debajyoti Pati (Texas Tech University)
Kate Haenchen (Texas Tech University)
Sipra Pati (Texas Tech University)
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
The American Institute of Architects

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