Project profile: Yale Sculpture Building and Gallery

Apr 30, 2008

The Yale Sculpture Building and Gallery complex includes three new buildings: the four-story Sculpture Building, the one-story storefront gallery, and a four-story parking garage. The Gallery and parking structure reestablish the block's perimeter, while the Sculpture Building acts as a lantern, illuminating the core.

The Sculpture Building provides three floors of individual and group studios above a ground floor and basement of classrooms, machine shops, and administrative spaces. The Gallery is used for year-end shows, ongoing exhibitions, and lectures. The parking garage features retail, restaurant, and Yale Security Services space and will rent out space on the ground floor. The Sculpture Building and Gallery comprise 62,000 ft2; with the parking structure (including retail space) the total project floor area is 197,000 ft2.
(2008 AIA/COTE Top Ten Green Projects recipient)

AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE)
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
The American Institute of Architects

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