Keeping Energy Confined and Making Information Flow: The Smart Building of Tomorrow

Apr 13, 2015

This opening plenary presentation offers a number of case studies illlustrating integrated enclosure design for new and retrofit projects. It also explains the potential of high-performance insulation systems, such as vacuum insulated panels, which currently under study and look especially promising for heating-dominated climates. It also addresses dynamic envelopes and related strategies for reducing as well as shifting thermal loads, as well as the "integrated and sustainable vision" for affordable, net-zero energy homes. It concludes with discussion the smart building of today and tomorrow.

(This entry contains a presentation in PDF.)

Christian Hoepfner, PhD, Director, Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems
Proceedings of the BEST4 Conference
Presented at: 
BEST4 Conference
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
BEST4 Technical Committee, National Institute of Building Sciences

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