Early Phase Performance Modeling to Right-Size Building Enclosure

Apr 13, 2015

This paper presents methodologies for implementing rapid-response modeling early in the design process and takes an iterative approach to modeling design feedback. There are many modeling tools that allow designers to rapidly model various massing strategies and compare impacts on building insolation, shading, and daylight. Building orientation strategies and site specific shading can be quickly analyzed for opportunities or potential excessive gains. In the early phase design, comparative modeling is more effective than predictive modeling, and will give designers faster feedback. Using the same model, both architects and engineers can compare the energy use of various enclosure and mechanical systems, both active and passive. The joint platform gives the design team a method to explore ideas and rapidly generate comparative energy use savings. As the design progresses, opportunities for detailed investigation are identified. Detailed models are broken out and isolated from the main model to perform specific enclosure, glazing, and shading investigations. Isolated studies allow for a faster more iterative design process. The results are fed back into the main model to compare impacts on the overall design and then incorporated into the iterative design of other building components.

(This entry contains a conference paper and presentation in PDF. For optimal viewing, open in Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

Jillian Burgess, RA. The Facade Group, Philadelphia, PA
Proceedings of the BEST4 Conference
Presented at: 
BEST4 Conference
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
BEST4 Technical Committee, National Institute of Building Sciences

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