Design and Visualisation Strategies in Parametric Building Components

Mar 27, 2013

New digital programming and fabrication techniques enable the development of parametric building components. These processes use a repertoire of working methods that differ from those commonly used in building projects. This paper presents five examples of parametric design and digital manufacturing carried out in Latin America, reviewing the graphic tools used in relation to the architectural design process, in order to clarify the characteristics and possibilities of these technologies. Particular project resources identified are; presentation of global parameters, modular programming, production drawings and assembly instructions. All serve to complement the conventional building design, to provide massive but variable manufacturing solutions. These new technological procedures require to be normalizing in order to integrate properly into architectural design and construction.

Rodrigo García-Alvarado (Universidad del Bío-Bío)
Proceedings of the 2013 ARCC Spring Research Conference
Presented at: 
The Visibility of Research
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Architectural Research Centers Consortium

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