Construction-Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie)

Aug 04, 2014

This research article describes the application, status, and resources for Construction-Operations Building Information Exchange, better known as "COBie," a performance-based specification for facility asset information delivery. Two types of assets are included in COBie: equipment and spaces. While manufacturer data for installed products and equipment may one day be directly available (via the SPie project), COBie helps the project team organize electronic submittals approved during design and construction and deliver a consolidated electronic O&M manual with little or no additional effort. COBie data may then be imported directly into CMMS and asset management software, again at no cost.

The PDF, drawing, and building information model files that accompany COBie are organized so that they can be easily accessed through the secure server directories already in place at the facility management office. The federal government's requirement for delivery of Real Property Inventory (RPI) information may be met by COBie.

Bill East, PhD, PE, FASCE, Prairie Sky Consulting
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