Cloud Magnet: The Ethical Imperative for Environmental Health and Restoration

May 16, 2018

Cloud Magnet seeks to contribute to contemporary design discourse through a research and design project that evaluates the restorative capabilities of performative materials within a localized ecosystem. Specifically, it aims to produce a proof-of-concept prototype of a cloud-producing kite in the cloud forest of Monteverde, Costa Rica.

Cloud Magnet examines the co-dependencies between material, form, energy, and environment. The impetus for this project is to explore how design can contribute to the stabilization of the atmosphere and the restoration of the forest.

KEYWORDS: ethics, environmental restoration, material performance, phase change material, carbon fiber reinforced polymers

Rashida Ng (Temple University)
Andrew Wit (Temple University)
Tonia Hsieh (Temple University)
Presented at: 
2018 ARCC-EAAE International Conference
Published & professionally reviewed by: 
Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC)

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